Please take the next 10 minutes to allow me to introduce myself and deliver some information about the status of MKP-USA. If you are new to the ‘work’, welcome. If you have been around for a while, thank you for your give-away!
I’m David Bauerly, elected in February 2009 as Chairman of MKP-USA, one of eight global regions within MKPI, the ManKind Project, International. There is a bunch of boring background info on me at
One of the key things I have learned in my short tenure as the Chairman of MKP-USA is how badly we need to professionalize. We cannot expect to have the organizational level of this work function if we don’t invest in hiring professionals to staff the organization.
It’s time to build an MKP-USA for the next generations.
Our grandsons are waiting. Our granddaughters are watching.
This restructuring is already under way.
Where we stand:
There are many good men that have been diligently working for several years, for free, on the nuts and bolts of how this will all work. Center Directors and groups of men from across the country have researched, debated, rewritten and planned for a sustainable future. Now it’s time to launch.
· MKP-USA has hired a new CFO (who is a New Warrior) and a CPA firm to back him up. Meet James Dougherty.
· MKP-USA is in the process of hiring a IT Manager to Assist with Information Systems Management (see application request sent out recently).
· MKP-USA has a new interim Executive Director Martin Marks and he has hit the ground running, focused on the efforts to restructure MKP-USA
· MKP-USA has identified a new potential Executive Director who has extensive experience fundraising and operating non-profits – and he is a New Warrior as well!
Why should you care?
Because MKP gives hope to thousands of men, every week, and every weekend. Because MKP is one of the only organizations in the world where the possibility of brotherhood across political, religious and social divides is bridged with unconditional love every week. Because MKP shows the possibility of a new kind of man, a new kind of community, and a new kind of world to men who might otherwise live out their lives asleep.
Because now is the time, and we are the men.
I continually struggle with how to get messages out to our men. This broadcast will only reach about one fifth of the men in the organization, and even so, this is the widest group we have ever reached. This is possible only because of the combined efforts of volunteers and Center Directors across the USA. If we are to have a global brotherhood of men we have to communicate, both locally and in the wider community, within the region of the US and internationally.
This is a volley in our attempt to create more effective channels of communication and engage more men in the evolution of MKP.
I have two requests:
Give us feedback: Tell us what you would do if you wanted to reach 1,000,000 men in MKP circles? Tell us what you would like to see or hear from MKP to make it more relevant in your daily life.
Help us succeed in our restructuring efforts. You can help us turn the corner and create a new structural paradigm for the organization; responsive, fast moving, professional and focused on New Warrior Principles.
It is clear that the men who step through our doors continue to transform their lives and create powerful missions of service in the world. Help us create the Member Focused, IGroup Driven, Professionally Run organization that will help us bring 1,000,000 men into circles. We stand at an existential crossroads.
I don’t do this just for me. I do this for my grandchildren … and for their children.
Please help.
Thank you,
David Bauerly
MKP-USA Chairman
Now we know who the sensilbe one is here. Great post!