G6 THE CLOSET DOOR By: Gavin Harrison Come- stand beside me Let us lean into this closet door together. Enter my story and I will join yours and perhaps the weight of all that has been, (for both of us) will budge these bloody hinges- once and for all. I want out! You...

A Dozen Ways to Go Green Right Away

A Dozen Ways to Go Green Right Away I will change the light bulbs in my home to compact fluorescents (CFLs) or light emitting diodes. I will go to farmers’ markets and buy as much from local food sources as possible. I will use a reusable mug instead of paper...

Sustainable Farm Tours

Here is a farm tour created to inspire others to live sustainable.  The websites for the farms on our visit: Scott Middlekauf http://eveningrainfarm.com/ Ano Tarletz http://www.gaiayoga.org/nursery Jim Channon http://www.arcturus.org/arcturus3/ Thank you Ano for the...