
Get more from your life with a purpose-driven brotherhood of men.
Be the Father, Partner, Brother, Friend, and Leader you’re meant to be.

Start Your Journey

LIVE 3 week online course. New course every month.
Facilitated, Safe, Confidential … Transformative .

Are you skating through life?

Every day you awaken with profound choices about the kind of man
you will be and the kind of world you will create.
Choose wisely.

Challenge Yourself

Break through and find your real power, in a brotherhood of men.


Described by thousands of men as the most powerful personal growth opportunity they have ever experienced. Take a risk and get more of what you want from manhood. Are you ready for an adventure?

See available NWTAs around the world


Are you ready to break out of isolation and have what the most successful men in the world have? Get support to manifest your purpose in the world. Transform your challenges into fuel for your growth.

Find a Men’s Group in Hawaii

What is MKP?

The ManKind Project is men’s community for the 21st Century. MKP is a nonprofit training and education organization with three decades of proven success hosting life-changing experiential personal development programs for men. MKP supports a global network of free peer-facilitated men’s groups and supports men in leading lives of integrity, authenticity, and service.

Why we exist

We believe that emotionally mature, powerful, compassionate, and purpose-driven men will help heal some of our society’s deepest wounds. We support the powerful brilliance of men and we are willing to look at, and take full responsibility for, the pain we are also capable of creating – and suffering. We care deeply about men, our families, communities, and the planet.

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When you’re ready to come home to who you really are.
Embark on Your Hero’s Journey

Our Flagship Training – The New Warrior Training Adventure

In 48 hours, you can take a journey that will fundamentally alter your experience of manhood and the world. You can improve every relationship and show up as more the man, husband, partner, father, and brother you were born to be. The New Warrior Training Adventure is a life affirming personal development event, honoring the best in what men have to offer the planet. We are only able to recognize the powerful brilliance of men because we are willing to look at, and take full responsibility for, the pain we are also capable of creating … and suffering. This is the paradox of modern masculinity, a lesson we are dedicated to learning and teaching.

The New Warrior Training Adventure is a modern male initiation and self-examination. We believe that this is crucial to the development of a healthy and mature male self, no matter how old a man is. It is the “hero’s journey” of classical literature and myth that has nearly disappeared in modern culture. We ask men to stop living vicariously through movies, television, addictions and distractions and step up into their own adventure – in real time and surrounded by other men. Want to learn more? Hear from a dozen men whose lives have been changed by participation in the ManKind Project’s New Warrior Training Adventure. Get the 12in12 Interview Series. It’s free.

ManKind Project USA Community News

Lono i ka Makahiki – Sustainability

Definitions of Makahiki : ·        The Makahiki season was the Ancient Hawaiian New Year festival, in honor of the god Lono. It was a holiday covering four consecutive lunar months, approximately from October or November through February or March. ......

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G6 THE CLOSET DOOR By: Gavin Harrison Come- stand beside me Let us lean into this closet door together. Enter my story and I will join yours and perhaps the weight of all that has been, (for both of us) will budge these bloody hinges- once and for all. I want out! You...

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A Dozen Ways to Go Green Right Away

A Dozen Ways to Go Green Right Away I will change the light bulbs in my home to compact fluorescents (CFLs) or light emitting diodes. I will go to farmers' markets and buy as much from local food sources as possible. I will use a reusable mug instead of paper cups. I...

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Global Climate Change: What I Can Do About It

Global Climate Change: What I Can Do About It compiled by Stosh Thompson and Mark Hixon Web Sites A. Educational Background 1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: 2. U.S. Global Change Research Program:

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Men like us …

Make a powerful commitment to our personal development. Take risks and push our limits to continue evolving. Are 100% responsible for our choices and emotions. Go beyond narrow stereotypes of manhood. Work to better ourselves, our communities and our planet. Connect, support and challenge other men to be the best men we can be.

Are you like us? Come find out.